The Med-tenna, a Radar Vital-Signs Monitor, is currently available as a pager-size, handheld battery operated radar sensor.  Sensitive receiver detects breathing through uniform, MOP IV, parka, etc. by simply velcro-ing the sensor to the chest.

LCD/LED displays heartbeat & breathing rates indicated on a numerical and rolling graphical output.  This technology was demonstrated and tested at Texas A&M and was used at the World Trade Center in the days following 9/11.

Key Features:
  • Non-Contact (velcro to uniform) Stick-it and go, simply velcro the sensor -  
  • Heartbeat & Breathing Rate  
  • Battery (AA)  
  • Visual LCD/LED display
General Features:
  • New FCC approved wideband
  • Optional backlit display
  • History - displays most recent 15 min, 1hr  
  • Roll Mode - similar to ECG   
  • Numerical heart/breathing rate mode
  • AA battery lasts for days -
  • Stealthy (low-signature) signal  to the patient for heart/breathing rate