SEGA-Node Processor
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Key Features:

  • UCB-TinyOS Compatible
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Signal Processing
  • Network Managment
The SEGA-node processor is based on the Atmel ATmega processor.  The AT mega is the processor of choice for UC Berkeley’s non-proprietary Tiny-OS operating system.  Many programming tools are available including Tiny-OS source code, C-compilers, debugging tools and an active and vibrant programming community.  Omnevia’s networking and node operational code comes pre-loaded on the re-programmable onboard memory.
P/N Description Delivery
BCP-128 Processor, Atmel 60 Days
Port Number Flash (K Bytes) EEPROM (Bytes) RAM (Bytes) I/O Pins Package Vcc (V) Speed 9MHz) Others
At Mega 128L 128 4K 4K 53 TQFP, MLF
2.7-5.5 0-8 SPI,2UART,TWI
Two 8-bit and Two 16-bit Timers, 8 Channels of 10-bit ADC, Brown-out Detector, JTAG Interface, Self Programming Memory
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